Al-Furat Journal for Health and Medical Sciences
FJHMS is a peer-reviewed, double-blinded international scientific journal published by Al-Furat Al-Awsat Technical University (ATU), the Republic of Iraq. The journal quarterly publishes original and high-quality scientific articles dedicated to highlights the latest researches in pre-clinical, clinical, health, and medical sciences.


Al-Furat Journal for Health and Medical Sciences (FJHMS) is an open-access online journal, with double blind peer-reviewed published by Al-Furat Al-Awsat Technical University. The journal publishes high-quality original articles, review articles, short communication in the areas of Biochemistry, Immunology, Parasitology, Microbiology, Virology and mycology, and Public Health Sciences. The journal is published quarterly.

Aims & Scope

The scope of the journal includes the latest development in biomedical aspects such as biochemistry, immunology, Parasitology, Microbiology, and virology. Other disciplines such as molecular biology and genetics will also be considered for publication. Moreover, our scope is not-limited to biomedical science but it also includes Public Health Sciences.

Editorial Board

For Authors

MS should submit online to FJHMS via our website. MS submit via email will be ignore. Author(s) is encouraging to register with our website here. After registration author should follow the instructions, please see our MS template, and copyright form should be submitted together with MS. The first decision by Editor within 2-3 working day. Approximate time from submission to first decision after peer review: 4-12 Weeks. The authors will give about 30 days to resubmit the revised version. Revised version will send to review to check the corrections. Final decision to online publishing takes about 2 weeks. The Journal welcomed high-quality MS, therefore, low-quality and MS written with poor English are rejected directly. Although, MS without ethical approval is rejected, and authors have to resubmit rejected MS again after improve English language and add the ethical approve. For more details, see the instructions for author.


Free of charge

For Referees

Referees are encouraging to see policy of review here

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